Hate to say I told you so......No, not whatever Tiger Woods is in the news for. I haven't gotten around to caring about another sport star's personal problems yet.
I don't know when it was, but, a couple of months ago in the class discussion board (I think.) I remember saying that there would be a time where people would update their relationship status to "married" on Facebook during the wedding right at the alter. I thought that it would be a new tradition like the couple lighting the candle. Well, I was surprised when I was browsing through Reddit (which is turning out to be a great source for blog topics) and saw a link to a video. In this home video, you see a couple getting married. Right after the rings are exchanged the groom pulls out his cell phone and his new wife's cell phone. They start typing away and the minister announces that they are updating their Facebook statuses.
Now, this was just done for some laughs as the youtube video's description says "This was just done to be funny - we really don't Facebook THAT often :)." Apparently no one knew about this plan except the groom and the minister. What I find funny about this is that people will now do funny things at their weddings just to be Youtube stars. "What, Zack? Who does things at their wedding to get on Youtube?" Well, there's the wedding party that had the extravagant wedding entrance, numerous versions of the evolution of dance, and the people that did the Thriller.
I am more surprised at the people that will do things during the actual wedding. I think it is kind of tacky to do things during the wedding. I think that is a time where things should be serious. However, I am all for the choreographed dance numbers videotaped at the reception. What do you think? Do you think that updating Facebook statuses will become part of the ceremony in more weddings? What do you think of doing things at your wedding to make youtube videos?
I don't think this will become a common part of wedding ceremonies, but it doesn't surprise me that this happened. I agree that the actual wedding should be a more reverent time and using computers or cell phones during it seems a little tasteless. Receptions should be a little more laid back and up to the couple's discretion. I don't plan on doing anything worthy of Youtube at my wedding or reception, but I suppose it could happen.
ReplyDeleteI agree completely with you. I hated the wedding dance thing to Chris Brown’s Forever. I didn’t even think it was that funny. I think that it was incredibly tacky. Updating your Facebook page from the alter is even worse. I wouldn’t even call it tacky I would just call it dumb. Is Facebook that important in our lives that we can’t wait until our wedding is over to do things like that? Why can’t we just enjoy each moment without distractions? I sometimes wish I didn’t have a Facebook page or cell phone so that I would be more in the moment myself.
I agree with Titus; I don't think it's a big deal to videotape a dance or something humorous at your reception. At all the receptions I've been to, they've been more laid back, fun, and joyous.
ReplyDeleteI actually didn't mind the Chris Brown's Forever dance. I don't know the couple at all but maybe it fit their personality, or maybe they were worried about nerves and thought a song would help them conquer those nerves.
As for updating the Facebook status: that was obviously done just for laughs/Youtube fame. And weddings should be a more, as Titus said, reverent time.
P.S. loved the wedding Thriller dance clip you showed.
I personally would slap my new husband in the face if he pulled out his cell phone during out ceremony! The only thing that should be going through his head is how much he loves me. Facebook should not be on his mind. On the other hand, I personally would never do a planned out dance for my wedding, but I think that can be funny and cute.
ReplyDeleteI watched Dance evolution, and I thought it was pretty cute. The dance is your time to be unique and do what you would like.
Maybe I am more of a traditionalist but I really would not want to see this as part of a wedding that I was attending. To me, it appears to be nothing but a way for someone to get their 15 seconds of internet fame. I know from experience that the priest that performed my wedding wouldn’t even allow us to have music that wasn’t approved for a wedding mass let alone pulling out my cell phone and updating my status. Although come to think about it, I didn’t even have a cell phone when I was married.
ReplyDeleteI don't know, the dance down the aisle made me smile. I would never do it personally (I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too self conscious for that!) but I guess I see it as a theatrical performance, which in my opinion, is what most weddings are anyway--everything choreographed down to the second just like this dance routine. Except this looked fun, whereas most wedding marches I've seen look painful! :)